A. Paper

For printing the Thesis/Dissertation, please use high-quality, 80gr, A4-sized paper*. If your Thesis/Dissertation contains integral maps, tables, or illustrative materials that necessitate oversized paper, you may include them in the final printout; however, ensure that the oversized material is printed on 80gr paper, with a size larger than A4 as required.

b. Ink

The ink used must be black, except for any colored illustrations which are an integral part of the Thesis/Dissertation. Also, it must be laser-printed.

c. Font

For English text, use the Times New Roman typeface, with a font size of 12 for the main body. Major title headings and preliminary page headings should be set in size 16. For Arabic text, opt for the Simplified Arabic typeface. The main body should be in font size 14, while major title headings and preliminary page headings should be set in size 20.

Avoid using boldface for preliminary pages and major headings, such as chapters, appendices, and the bibliography.

d. Margins

Margin specifications for text pages:

  • Left margin: 3.5 cm.
  • Right margin: 2.5 cm.
  • Top margin: 3 cm.
  • Bottom margin: 3 cm.
For illustrative elements such as tables, charts, graphs, and so on, maintain a minimum margin of 2 cm from the top, right, and bottom edges, and maintain 2.5 cm margin from the left edge.

The thesis text should be aligned to the left.

e. Spacing

Double spacing is mandatory for the main body of the manuscript as well as the acknowledgments and abstracts. However, tables, footnotes, appendices, and block quotations may be formatted using single spacing.

The table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, and nomenclature sections can either be single or double-spaced. Regardless of your spacing choices, please prioritize professional presentation aesthetics.

f. Indentation

All paragraphs should have a 1.5 cm indentation from the margin. Subheadings should not be indented.

g. Numbering of Pages, Figures and Tables

The preliminary pages should be numbered using lowercase Roman numerals, centered at the bottom of each page and positioned 2 cm above the bottom edge of the paper.

The first page to be numbered should be either the "Acknowledgement" page or the first page appearing after the release form, which will carry the numeral "v". Subsequent numbering will follow in sequential order.

In numbering figures and tables within your thesis, you have two options. You can use continuous numbering throughout, such as 1, 2, 3, and so forth. Alternatively, you can use chapter-specific numbering: for instance, 1.1, 1.2 for Chapter 1, and 2.1, 2.2 for Chapter 2, and so on.

h. Major Headings and Subheadings

Major headings such as preliminary page titles ("CHAPTER TITLES," "NOTES," "REFERENCES," or "BIBLIOGRAPHY") should be typed in all capital letters, centered, and set in size 16 font without bold formatting. If a chapter title extends beyond one line, it should be single-spaced. The heading "CHAPTER" and its corresponding title should be double-spaced from each other.

Each subheading should start with its respective number as listed in the Thesis Table of Contents. The prominence of each subheading should decrease successively. Subheadings are classified based on eminence into four levels, and are differentiated as follows:

  • First-level subheadings: Bold, regular typeface (e.g., A. First-Level Subheading)
  • Second-level subheadings: Bold, italic typeface (e.g., 1. Second-Level Subheading)
  • Third-level subheadings: Regular typeface, underlined (e.g., a. Third-Level Subheading)
  • Fourth-level subheadings: Regular typeface, underlined with dashes (e.g., i. Fourth-Level Subheading)

Boldface is permissible for major headings, and either bold or italics may be employed for subheadings and textual emphasis. The use of italics for terms like "et al.," "in vivo," "in vitro," and other Latin or foreign phrases should adhere to the style guide you're following or to standard practice within your field.

Consistency in presentation is essential throughout the thesis or dissertation. One exception is that foreign words in publication titles listed in the references should maintain their original style (italicized or not).

To list items or major points, use bullet points, aligning them 1.5 cm from the new paragraph indentation. For sub-lists within bullets, dashes may be used for further subdivision.

i. i. Preliminary Pages

The Thesis/Dissertation is structured into three primary parts:

  1. Preliminary Pages
  2. Main Text (or Body)
  3. End Pages (which encompass appendices, endnotes if present, and references or bibliography).

Each of these primary parts may contain further sections and subsections, all of which should be accurately represented in the table of contents.

Preliminary Pages should be placed in the following order:

  • Blank Page (Mandatory): This page is unnumbered, denoted as 'i'. Both the first and last pages of the thesis/dissertation are blank.
  • Title Page (Mandatory): This page is unnumbered, denoted as 'ii'. It displays the University’s name, the Thesis/Dissertation's complete title, the student's full name, the conferred degree title, the Department's name, the Faculty, College, or School's name, the submission's location, and the submission date. Note: The student's name format should be: First Name, Father's Name (if applicable), and Family Name.
  • Thesis/Dissertation Approval Page (Mandatory): This page is unnumbered, denoted as 'iii'. The Committee members' signatures must be original and in black ink. Ensure you scan this page for inclusion in the submitted Graduate School PDF file.
  • Thesis/Dissertation Release Form (Mandatory): This page is unnumbered, denoted as 'iv'. After the student signs and dates it, he/she must upload it with their thesis/dissertation to ProQuest. On this page, you should state whether you:
  • a. Authorize Alfaisal University to provide copies upon request.


    b. Do not authorize the University to supply copies for 2 years from the deposit date.

  • Acknowledgments (Optional): Denoted as 'v'. This section appreciates the contributions of the thesis/dissertation advisor, faculty, staff, and other professional contributors. Acknowledging any received financial support is appropriate in this section.
  • Abstract (Mandatory): Summarizes the primary focus and findings of the Thesis/Dissertation. It should be concise, written in English, and should not exceed one page, nor include references.
  • Preface (Optional)
  • Table of Contents (Mandatory): Compile this after the manuscript's completion, ensuring all titles match those within the main text.
  • List of Illustrations: They should follow the order of mention within the text. Each illustration requires its own page and a consistent numbering system.
  • List of Tables: It helps locate each table by page number. Tables should be numbered sequentially.
  • List of Abbreviations (If present)
  • Glossary (If present)
  • Dedication (Optional): This is not numbered nor included in the preliminary pages' pagination. If used, it's placed before the first chapter, and the word "dedicated" is not needed.