Thesis Editing & Proofreading Service

The Alfaisal Graduate Office recognizes the importance of submitting high-quality research papers. To support this, we offer specialized Editing and Proofreading services at competitive rates, aimed at elevating the quality of theses and dissertations to meet the highest academic standards.

Service Pricing
  1. Proofreading Service:
  2. -Focuses on the correction of punctuation, spelling, and grammar errors.

    Cost: 110 SAR per 1,000 words.

  3. Proofreading Service:
  4. - A comprehensive offering that extends beyond proofreading to include stylistic enhancements, ensuring improved vocabulary, clarity, coherence, and fluency.

    - Incorporates accuracy checks for textual citations and end references.

    - Cost: 150 SAR per 1,000 words.

How to Utilize Our Services:

Send an email with your manuscript in Word format to In your email, clearly state the service you require and use "Thesis/Dissertation Proofreading or Editing Request" as the subject line. Our experienced editorial team will assess your document and provide a customized quote based on the word count and the service you select.

- One-to-one service

Students who need additional assistance in completing their research projects or have any concerns can contact us via email at

- Courses and workshops

Enhance your research writing and presentation skills with our courses and workshops, that are tailored to meet your needs.

Learn more about our courses and workshops by clicking on this link.